PC Will not recognise Megajolt Help for first time user

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PC Will not recognise Megajolt Help for first time user

Post by autograssmike »

I have acquired SH Megajolt V3 which was used sucessfully on a Zetec, which is what I want to run it on.
I have downloaded software, and am attempting to bench test with power connected and straight through serial cable connected when I run megajolt software a message comes up "timeout reading runtime data" "timeout reading ignition configuration", which continues when I try to get ignition configuration from Megajolt.
From you guys experience any help would be much appreciated

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Post by Spockie-Tech »

90% of the time, the problem is caused by dodgy non-standard USB-Serial convertors used on Laptops.

Can you tell us what you are using for your serial port ? Laptop with USB Dongle or Desktop. If a dongle, what brand ?

FTDI and Prolific (I think) chip based serial dongles are supposedly the most reliable

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Post by autograssmike »

Many thanks for your reply, I am using an old toshiba laptop with a straight through pin to pin rs232 serial lead

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Post by Spockie-Tech »

That should be ok then.

*Most* inbuilt laptop serial ports worked reasonably well, although sometimes at a lower-than-spec voltage. but the serial chip in the megajolt isnt fussy about voltage from my experience. even 5v workks ok.

A good test that your pc's serial port is working is to link pins 2 and 3 on the computer side, fire up hyperterminal (assuming you're using windows, accessories). set for "direct to com<x> (whatever your port is) at 19,200 or 38,400 bps with echo off, and type.

If your port is working, the pin 2-3 link should loop your typed characters back from Transmit (tx) to the Receive (rx) and make them visible as you type them. If its not (and echo is off), then what you type wont show, meaning you need to find out if your serial port is enabled, configured etc correctly.

Make sure you have the right version of the configurator software to match your Megajolt - for a V3 jolt, you want the one from this page.. http://autosportlabs.net/MJLJ_V3_Downloads

next, If its an inherited Megajolt, rather than a new or freshly built one, either tell us what area you are from and perhaps find an experienced megajolt user who can test your 'jolt with a known working computer/serial combo they use..

If thats not practical and you're sure your computer/serial/software/cable is OK, then its time to delve in with a multimeter and start checking some voltages and stuff to see if the serial chip in the 'jolt is OK.. are you comfortable driving a multimeter or will you need a techie for that ?

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Post by autograssmike »

Once again many thanks for your help, I will try your suggestions when I get home tonight and post the outcome

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Hi mike

Can you confirm what software you are using for your V3 as V4 software will not work with a V3?

Also what wiring diagram did you use for the molex connector as again the V3 is dierent to the V4 if that is what you have used.
http://www.autosportlabs.net/MJLJ_V3_ve ... g_the_MJLJ

Also you can do some basic voltage checks to make sure you are getting the correct voltages at each component
http://www.autosportlabs.net/MJLJ_V3_ki ... _operation

This should get you going and do some basic fault finding. If you need I have a full circuit diagram of the board that you can follow should you need. Just let us if you require some more help.

1310 A-series Mini, lightened and built myself. V4 board and loving it

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Re: PC Will not recognise Megajolt Help for first time user

Post by rustyhare79 »

hello megajolt heads! im a new megajolt user i purchased my unit Megajolt/E 1 week ago and im trying to install the configuration software in my pc and laptop but instead when i click to download from this page:

PC Configuration/Tuning software, version 4.0.2
PC Configuration/Tuning software, version 4.0.1
PC Configuration/Tuning software, version 4.0.0

it wont open instead when i go to my downloads and try to open the program just flashes (i tried on 3 diffirent pc and laptops) with same result:(((
lil lost in here can you guys help and point the way to go
thx in advance

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Re: PC Will not recognise Megajolt Help for first time user

Post by brentp »


After downloading, can you launch the installer .exe and go through the installation process?
Brent Picasso
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