Track Mk.2 - GoPro Hero 4 Session

Q&A for the RaceCapture Plug & Play - general hardware related usage and operation; for app related questions please post in the RaceCapture app section.

also see the <a href="">RaceCapture quick start guide</a>
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Track Mk.2 - GoPro Hero 4 Session

Post by ElasticAntelope »

Trying to get automatic camera control to work with my GoPro Hero 4 Session. I've got Wireless enabled and loaded up with my GoPro's network information, and Automatic Control enabled and set to AccelZ for bench testing. Turn the GoPro on, activate WiFi, then fire up the RaceCapture. I can see from the system status page that I'm connected to the Client (and can see this in scripting) but I don't get a trigger to start recording. Looking at the scripting, this appears to be where things break down:

[cam_ctrl] Auto-starting camera
[esp8266] connect_cb failed with msg: ERROR
[ESP8266 Driver] Failed to connect channel: 1
[ESP8266 Driver] Failed to connect:
[wifi] Unable to create Serial for Camera Control
[ESP8266 Driver] Socket closed on channel 1

I've included the all the scripting below - can anybody point in the right direction to getting this to work properly?

*** RaceCapture/Track MK2 2.18.4 ***
[watchdog] Initializing...
sizeof LoggerConfig: 9288
[CAN device] Initializing CAN0 with baud rate 500000
[CAN device] CAN init success!
[CAN device] Initializing CAN1 with baud rate 1000000
[CAN device] CAN init success!
GPS: Initializing...
IMU: init res=0
[OBD2] Init current values
BT: Detecting baud rate...
BT: Baudrate: 115200
timebase/logging/telemetry sample rate: 50/25/25
[lua] Initializing Lua state
[lua] memory usage: 16KB
[lua] Starting Lua Task
[wifi] Initializing...
[lua] Loading script. Length: 0
[lua] Successfully loaded script.
timebase/logging/telemetry sample rate: 50/25/25
[main] Setup Task complete!
[ESP8266 Driver] Checking WiFi Device...
[ESP8266 Driver] Initializing Wifi
[esp8266] Version info:
AT version: 13 2018 11:10:59)
SDK version:2.2.1(6ab97e9)
compile time:Jun 7 2018 19:34:26
Bin version(Wroom 02):1.6.2
[esp8266] Initialized
[ESP8266 Driver] Initialization successful
[ESP8266 Driver] Checking WiFi Device...
[ESP8266 Driver] Increasing baud to 921600
[ESP8266 Driver] Checking WiFi Device...
[ESP8266 Driver] Checking WiFi Device...
[ESP8266 Driver] Checking Client
[ESP8266 Driver] Retrieving Wifi Client Info
[ESP8266 Driver] Checking Client
[ESP8266 Driver] Setting Wifi Client Info
[ESP8266 Driver] Joining network: RaweCeek
[USB] Starting telem stream on USB
GPS: provisioning attempt
GPS: probing baud rate: 921600
BT: Device responds at baud 115200
BT: Init complete
GPS: probing baud rate: 115200
[ESP8266 Driver] Client connected
[ESP8266 Driver] Client got IPv4 address
GPS: probing baud rate: 9600
GPS: Using baud rate: 9600
GPS: module detected at: 9600
GPS: Configuring baud rate to: 115200
GPS: Message was successfully received.
GPS: Configuring was successful.
GPS: detected current update rate: 1
GPS: Configuring update rate to 10: win
GPS: Configuring NMEA messages
GPS: Message was successfully received.
GPS: Successfully configured NMEA
GPS: configure message type: win
GPS: configure navigation data message interval: win
GPS: Configuring Gnss Navigation Mode: win
GPS: Disabling NMEA messages
GPS: Message was successfully received.
GPS: Successfully disabled NMEA messages
GPS: provisioned
[ESP8266 Driver] Successfully joined network
[ESP8266 Driver] Checking Client
[ESP8266 Driver] Retrieving Wifi Client Info
[ESP8266 Driver] Checking Client
[ESP8266 Driver] Retrieving Wifi IP info
[ESP8266 Driver] Checking Client
[ESP8266 Driver] Client configured correctly
[ESP8266 Driver] Client IP:
[ESP8266 Driver] Checking WiFi AP
[ESP8266 Driver] Retrieving Wifi AP Info
[ESP8266 Driver] AP info:
SSID : RaceCapture/Track MK2 1
Channel : 11
Encryption: 0
[ESP8266 Driver] Checking WiFi AP
[ESP8266 Driver] AP configured properly
[ESP8266 Driver] Station IP:
[ESP8266 Driver] Checking Server
[ESP8266 Driver] Starting server on port: 7223
[ESP8266 Driver] Socket connected on channel 0
[ESP8266 Driver] Connected on comm channel 0
[USB] Stopping telem stream on USB
[USB] Starting telem stream on USB
[USB] Stopping telem stream on USB
[USB] Starting telem stream on USB
[cam_ctrl] Auto-starting camera
[esp8266] connect_cb failed with msg: ERROR
[ESP8266 Driver] Failed to connect channel: 1
[ESP8266 Driver] Failed to connect:
[wifi] Unable to create Serial for Camera Control
[ESP8266 Driver] Socket closed on channel 1

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Re: Track Mk.2 - GoPro Hero 4 Session

Post by brentp »

It looks like your camera isn't accepting WiFI connections.

The Hero 4 is not really supported with automatic control, because its wifi will auto-turn off without a ping request.

One of our community members created an alternate mechanism for starting/stopping newer cameras, using Lua scripting. You can test it out - discussion in our FB group: ... 8799170617
Brent Picasso
CEO and Founder, Autosport Labs
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