Manual logging start with RC Track?

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Manual logging start with RC Track?

Post by GTIspirit »

Is it possible to manually start logging with the RC Track?

It looks like it will only record the session when in dashboard mode.
RC Track How To: Analysis

So if I got the Rasperry PI dashboard, is it possible to configure a little touchscreen virtual button to start recording?

It would be kind of nice to be able to manually start recording when just driving around, and not have the auto recording triggering every time I mashed the loud pedal :twisted:

:idea: Otherwise, I'm thinking I could connect a digital switch to my ECU since it has a lap trigger input, which the ECU then puts on CAN. So I could then read that CAN signal and use it to start/and stop recording.

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Post by brentp »

Right now session recording is triggered off of dashboard mode.

I agree, we need a better way of doing this; with a button as well as tying into existing logic we use for, for example, SD card logging on RaceCapture/Pro.

Thanks, we'll get it on the feature list.
Brent Picasso
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Post by GTIspirit »

I was wondering if maybe the ShiftX2 button could be used for this purpose. Saw this snippet of code on the
Manual control of ShiftX2 and was wondering if button press could be used to set a flip flop to start/stop logging, and maybe set one of the side lights to a color to indicate logging active.

But when I tried this it didn't print the button state. :cry:

Code: Select all

function sxOnBut&#40;b&#41;
  --called if the button state changes
  println&#40;'button&#58; ' ..b&#41;
The log window registered an event when the button was pressed, but didn't print anything.

Otherwise, since the Rasbperry Pi digital dash is push button, I was thinking it would be cool to have a little icon to press which would start/stop recording, changing state in the process to indicate if recording was active.

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Post by brentp »

We don't have the concept of logging control in RaceCapture/Track since it is automatically started when you enter the dashboard. But, it is something we are looking at for the future, so we can emulate how the SD logging works for RaceCapture/Pro. Especially as we improve the Raspberry Pi Support.
Brent Picasso
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Post by GTIspirit »

If logging automatically starts when in dashboard mode what would for the LUA script commands

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

to work?

It would be nice to have autologging capability instead of using the dashboard display mode to trigger a recording session.

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Post by brentp »

Agreed, it's on the to-do list, hopefully in V2 of the RaceCapture app.

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Post by GTIspirit »

GTIspirit wrote:If logging automatically starts when in dashboard mode what would for the LUA script commands

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Code: Select all

to work?

It would be nice to have autologging capability instead of using the dashboard display mode to trigger a recording session.
I tried this and while the isLogging() returned a 1 and 0 with startLogging() and stopLogging() respectively, along with corresponding info "Logging started" and "Logging stopped" there doesn't appear to be anything on the RCTrack2.

@brentp am I correct in guessing that the saved Session Recording that occurs when entering Dashboard mode is saved on the connected device? So if I enter Dashboard mode with connected tablet or PC, that recording session is saved on either the tablet or PC?

So if I install the Raspberry Pi dash, the recording session is saved on the Pi? Is there any way to manually control the session recording when in Dashboard mode? Since recording is triggered somehow, maybe that hook or API could be available to Lua? So then there could be dashboard visualize and dashboard record mode.

What I'm trying to do is use the same dashboard switch used to trigger the Garmin Virb recording to start/stop the recording session so the data and video are largely aligned.

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Post by brentp »

the session recording logic in the app is strictly controlled by the app.

However, in V2, we will move to make it more like RaceCapture/Pro, where the unit triggers the logging start/stop. This will send a message to the app, which will then start / stop session recording.

The session recording is always performed to the local device running the RaceCapture app.
Brent Picasso
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Re: Manual logging start with RC Track?

Post by cdoxp800 »

@brentp any updates on this? I know the V2 app is out in Beta, I have tried the normal script.

Code: Select all

function onTick()
  if getGpsSpeed() > 25 then

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Re: Manual logging start with RC Track?

Post by brentp »

Hi - no current plans to support this in the V2 app release, but possibly in a future release.
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Re: Manual logging start with RC Track?

Post by roflcopter »

First post! I would also very much like this feature, as I street drive the car fairly often and don't want to be creating logs when not needed.

As an aside, I am more than willing to assist however would be beneficial with implementing it. I know the whole system isn't open-source, but it seems you have quite a bit of community input and I'd be willing to sign whatever documents you want if that would help.

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Re: Manual logging start with RC Track?

Post by brentp »

It's not an on-dash button, but we have a feature coming a tiny bit similar to this, and this is a way to trigger app logging using the Automatic Control seen under the setup pages. You'll be able to control the logging start/stop thresholds vs simply having it auto-log when you enter the dashboard.

This will enable synchronized logging along with attached video cameras, and also makes RaceCapture/Track operate more closely in behavior to RaceCapture/Pro, where the SD card logging is also controlled by Setup/Automatic Control.

This will be available in the 2.3.0 firmware release and the 2.4.0 app release.
Brent Picasso
CEO and Founder, Autosport Labs
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