Creating logs from datastore.sq3 file?

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Creating logs from datastore.sq3 file?

Post by alexhatz »

First time user here.
We ran a race this weekend and saved the data from our RaceCapture/Pro3 to an Android tablet. It was great to have telemetry in the cockpit.
Now that I want to analyze the data I'm having a problem.
On the tablet I can see the sessions in the Analysis window, and view them in the graphs on the tablet.
However, when I try to Export Session to a log file, nothing happens. It just hangs. I believe the tablet might be too slow.
Connecting the tablet to my PC via USB I was able to download the datastore.sq3 file.
Is there a way I can trick the RaceCapture app on my PC to use this file to recreate the Sessions on my PC, so I can export the log files using my PC?

In the future if I use an SD card, will I be able to access/create log files without the use of the Android tablet?

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Re: Creating logs from datastore.sq3 file?

Post by brentp »

Hi, what version of the app are you running? The recent app has some fixes around how files are exported, so make sure you update it.

Are you prompted for a name when exporting? Also, what version of android is the device running on?

Technically speaking, the datastore.sq3 can be moved to the desktop and replace the same datastore.sq3 that the desktop uses. Search for datastore.sq3 in your user files - rename the old one and replace it with the one on the tablet. This is not the recommended option, but is technically possible. We should ensure export is working properly.

If you're still having problems exporting after updating the app, please try to do an export and then try to get the app's log under system status - press the button to copy the log to the clipboard and paste it here as a reply.


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Re: Creating logs from datastore.sq3 file?

Post by alexhatz »

Updating the app seems to have worked. Thanks.

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